Saturday, February 9, 2013

Adapt or Fail

My running schedule has been sporadic recently. I have tried to not just maintain my mileage but also increase it as I prepare for the Run for Healthy Churches but a heavy travel schedule has made this really challenging.

I don't normally run outside when I travel so I am thankful that most hotels have fitness centers. I try to log alot of miles on a treadmill.

Blending a running schedule with a heavy travel schedule requires the need to adapt. If not, I will never be ready to run 20K on March 16.

This need to adapt reminds me of the challenge many churches as well as leaders face today. Times have changed, but the response of many to those changes is to continue to do ministry the way it has always been done.

If we don't adapt we will eventually fail. This is not only true about a training program. It is also true about life and ministry,

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